International online-conference / Международная онлайн-конференция

EXPORT 2020 & Coronavirus/ 22.04 - 24.04

22 апреля 2020,
по Москве


every participant need to be registered via ZOOM/ необходимо пройти регистрацию на площадке ZOOM для входа в конференцию:

Due to unforeseen circumstances of the global spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the difficult international economic situation every day we are looking for the new efficient instruments to help the world economy survive.

We propose to discuss in an international format the point issues and problems faced by the various countries and to find the most effective solutions together. Only inter-ethnic cohesion would be able to help overcome the global problems of vital importance.

The international online conference "EXPORT 2020 & Coronavirus" will be held from April 22 to April 24, 2020.

The experts and companies of more than 25 countries of the world will take part in this event. We will unite the European and CIS countries as well as the countries of Africa, North and South America and Asia on the one platform.

Within the conference we will help the companies from over the world find the answers to such questions as:

1. What industries were the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic and what companies have not been able to overcome the crisis? - Companies need to understand how to move further on international markets and in which direction.

2. What support and help for export-oriented enterprises have been developed in each country? It is necessary to share International experiences and practices with each other;

3.How world imports and exports have changed and what has the need to supply occured for? – The export is obliged to take the new courses and set the benchmarks.

4. What changes have occurred at the state level due to the pandemic?– The new projects and laws with temporary restrictions have been established. How has the public procurement system changed?

5. How do different countries optimize labor reserves and maintain employment? - We can't let unemployment take over the world

6. How does the exchange rate affect? – How have the prices changed?

7. Online as the new format of business missions?  - the benefits and advantages in the conditions of the international pandemic?

8. What is the new system of logistics and customs control? - Despite isolation due to the coronavirus pandemic, businesses need to make international deliveries and purchases

The conference format: online

The official language: English. Consecutive interpretation will be organized

Уважаемые Коллеги!

В связи с непредвиденными обстоятельствами глобального распространения коронавируса (COVID-19) и затруднительной экономической ситуацией в мире все мы ежедневно ищем новые эффективные инструменты, чтобы помочь "выжить" мировой экономике и бизнесу.

Мы предлагаем обсудить в международном формате точечные вопросы и проблемы, с которыми столкнулись различные страны и совместно найти эффективные решения. Только межнациональная сплоченность сможет помочь преодолеть глобальные проблемы мирового масштаба. 

Международная онлайн-конференция «Экспорт 2020 и Коронавирус» пройдёт с 22 по 24 апреля 2020 года. 

В данном событии примут участие представители более 25 стран мира. Мы объединим на одной площадке страны Европы, СНГ, Африки, Северной и Южной Америки, Азии.

В рамках конференции мы поможем компаниям со всего мира найти ответы на такие вопросы как: 

1. Какие отрасли наиболее пострадали от пандемии короновируса, и какие предприятия не смогли преодолеть кризис? - компаниям нужно понимать, как двигаться на международных рынках дальше и в каком направлении

2. Какие меры поддержки бизнесу были разработаны в каждой стране? Нужно делиться друг с другом Международным опытом и практиками;

3. Какие остались потребности и в чем возникла необходимость поставок? - Экспорт вынужден взять новые курсы и наметить ориентиры

4. Какие произошли изменения на государственном уровне в связи с пандемией и как принять участие в государственных закупках? - Созданы новые проекты и законы с временными ограничениями

5. Как разные страны оптимизируют трудовые резервы и сохраняют рабочие места? - нельзя допустить безработицу в мировом масштабе

6. Как влияет валютный курс? - какие произошли изменения цен? 

7. Новый формат бизнес-миссий - ОНЛАЙН? В чем эффективность и плюсы в условиях международной пандемии

8. Какова новая система логистики и таможенного контроля? - Несмотря на изоляцию из-за пандемии коронавируса, предприятиям необходимо осуществлять международные поставки и покупки

Формат мероприятия: онлайн-трансляция с презентационными материалами.

Язык мероприятия: английский и русский с последовательным переводом


more than 15 Experts of Foreign Economic Activity

Event speaker

Harmeek Singh (UAE)

Owner/Founder Plan B Group UAE/UK/KSA/Russia/Singapore/India)
• Strategy Director UAE Athletic Federation;
• Patron In Chief Dubai Women's Run;
• Chairman Visit SPB Middle East Region ;
• Industry Icon 2018 for Middle East Events Awards;
• NRI Awards (Various)2017 2018 2019;
• Awarded for Fastest growing business Sustainable business,Business Innovator and Game Changer 2016-2019;
• 3 Guinness World Record Holder.

Event speaker

Alok Kumar (BRICS)

Director of The International Congress of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (of the Pacific region), Chairman of Akis Tech Group.
• Member of the Foreign Economic Cooperation Commission under the Business Council for Cooperation with India;
• Member of the Russian-Chinese Trade Development Centre;
• Expert of the All-Russian Public Organization ASI Leader-ID;
• Member of the BRICS Council (Committee on Energy);
• Honorary Head and Director of BRICS CCI of India.

Event speaker

Marina Morozova (UAE + Russia)

Head of the national tourist office of the Russian Federation “Visit Russia” in the Middle East.
• Program Director;
• Doctor of Economics;
• Professor of Economics, Northwestern University at the Russian Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA);
• Head of the High-end Tourism Association «Luxury Travel»

Event speaker

Michael Nendwich (Germany+Austria)

President of FEDAS (European Federation of Sporting Goods Retailer);
• CEO of Sports Consulting KG (Consulting and Service in Sports and Tourism);
• Director of VSSO (Austrian Federation of Sporting Goods Retailer Industry);
• Board Member of FESI (European Federation of Sporting Goods Industry).

Event speaker

Rami Sharaf (Cambodia+Jordan)

Representative of THE ROYAL GROUP Trade and Investment Holding

Event speaker

Artem Dalevich (Russia)

Vice President of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Direction: digital development, innovation, investment.

Event speaker

Artem Shirkeev (Russia)

Co-founder of “Addvi Business Solutions”, managing partner and leading specialist in the Strategic Marketing Department.
• One of the most sought-after specialists in the field of constructing strategies for business;
• MBA degree, diploma from a prestigious UK business-school.
International CBS diploma;
• Worked with such companies as “Bosch”, “X5 retail group”, “Zenit”, “Aeroflot”, “Russian Railways”, etc.

Event speaker

Susanna Khalatyan (Armenia)

President of the Union of Women Employers of Yerevan and Regions.
• Advisor to the President of the Union of manufacturers and businessmen of Armenia;
• Expert in the field of organization of exhibitions – has arranged a lot of exhibitions in Armenia as well as in Romania, France (Marseille, Lyon), Belarus (Minsk), Russia (Moscow), Tehran, Germany (Berlin), etc.;
• Expert in the field of organization of business-missions and international forums in Armenia and other countries such as the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Belarus, Iran, Italy, Poland (incl. hosting foreign delegations at the governmental level).

Event speaker

Ruslan Ilin (Russia + Germany + Italy)

ISPO Information Center Russia.
With over 15 years experience in the outdoor business Ruslan is the part of ISPO team. ISPO - not only biggest sports business trade shows in the world taking part in Munich, Beijing and Shanghai, but also 365 days service provider. Ruslan also shares his experience as a consultant in the field of brand development in foreign markets, import / export and innovative technologies.

Event speaker

Aleksandra Nguen (Vietnam)

Business Development Director for the Russian/CIS, European, North & Latin American and Australian markets at Vinpearl Company JSC, the biggest hotel group in Vietnam (part of Vingroup – one of the biggest private conglomerate in Asia with a market capitalization value of around US $16 billion, focusing on real estate development, retail, automotive manufacture, technology and services ranging from healthcare to hospitality).

Event speaker

Maxim Kuznetsov (Russia + Asia)

Vice-president of the The Russian-Asian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Event speaker

Ekaterina Mironenkova (Russia)

Expert-strategist in the field of international project management and strategic marketing.
Head of the "World Business Partners Holding" in Russia.

Event speaker

Joseph Idiong (Nigeria)

Director General, Association of Nigerian Exporters (ANE)/ Member, Governing Board, Nigerian Export Promotion Council (NEPC)

Event speaker

George Soin (Russia)

Head of the Department of Export Development, ANPO "Mosprom", expert in the field of customs regulation and foreign economic activities.

Event speaker

Anastasia Rastorgueva (Russia+China)

Director General of the export agency "ALTAN.CHINA".
The agency specializes in providing services of Chinese market access for Russian exporters.
Expert in the field of organizing business in Northern China.

Event speaker

Ermek Myrzabekov (Kyrgyzstan)

Director General and Founder of the travel agency "Silk Way Travel" (one of the leading companies in the field of business tourism in Central Asia; The best travel agency of Kyrgyzstan in 2019)
• Chairman of the Board of the "Association of Tourism of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan"

Event speaker

Kamran Habibov (Azerbaijan)

Managing Partner of Hellmann Worldwide Logistics Azerbaijan
Chairman of Freight Forwarding Companies' Commission in The National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers).
More than 20 year of experience i different Carrier and Freight Forwarding companies.

Event speaker

Jafarov Fuad Eldar (Azerbaijan)

Director of Export Promotion Department at Azerbaijan Export and Investment Promotion Foundation (AZPROMO)


22 апреля

  • 11:00

    Opening of the First day of online-conference
    "EXPORT 2020 & Corinavirus"
    Welcome speech of the organizer-General Director Of the Center for Business Cooperation "BGgroupp"

    Moderator - Maria Vechkanova

  • 11:20

    "Brave new world: how to adapt to economic restructuring when working with Asian partners"

    Speaker - Maxim Kuznetsov (Russia+Asia)

  • 11:50

    "How Moscow manufacturers continue their activities under pandemic conditions and what kind of support measures Moscow is ready to offer to its export-oriented companies"

    Speaker - George Soin (Russia)

  • 12:20

    "The experience of holding online-exhibitions based on CCI"

    Speaker - Artem Dalevich (Russia)

  • 12:50


  • 13:30

    "How world imports and exports have changed and what has the need to supply occurred for? –The export is obliged to take the new courses and set the benchmarks"

    Speaker -Joseph Idiong (Nigeria)

  • 14:00

    "Online as the new format of business missions? - The benefits and advantages in the conditions of the international pandemic"

    Speaker - Michael Nendwich (Germany+Austria)

  • 14:30

    "The market transformation: how and in what direction to move further in international markets? "Addvi Business Solutions" case"

    Speaker - Artem Shirkeev (Russia)

  • 15:00


  • 15:10

    "World Economic Crisis of COVID -19 in conditions of quarantine. Detailed situation in world trade and anti-crisis support for exporters in the BRICS countries"

    Speaker - Alok Kumar (BRICS)

  • 15:40

    "The measures to eliminate social and economic consequences of the coronavirus pandemic in the Republic of Armenia"

    Speaker - Susanna Khalatyan (Armenia)

  • 16:10

    "What industries were the most affected by the coronavirus pandemic and what companies have not been able to overcome the crisis?"

    Speaker - Rami Sharaf (Cambodia+Jordan)

  • 16:40

    «Strategy of optimisation international business during the quarantine. Industries that are remain alive in the new world order /
    Demanded directions and services / Opportunities for productive use of time for business development in quarantine / How to find new clients / International business strategy and profitable cooperation»

    Speaker - Mironenkova Ekaterina (Russia)

23 апреля

  • 11:30

    Opening of the Second day of online-conference
    "EXPORT 2020 & Corinavirus"
    Welcome speech of the organizer-General Director Of the Center for Business Cooperation "BGgroupp"

    Moderator - Maria Vechkanova

  • 11:35

    "Tourism in Central Asia after Coronavirus"

    Speaker - Ermek Myrzabekov (Kyrgystan)

  • 12:05

    "Comparative analysis of the impact of the pandemic on the Russian and Middle-Eastern service market (sectors: tourism, hospitality, restaurant business, rental of real property, transport, convention and exhibition activity, retail sales (sectorally)"

    Speaker - Marina Morozova (Russia+UAE)

  • 12:35


  • 13:00

    "What support and help for export-oriented enterprises have been developed in each country? It is necessary to share International experiences and practices with each other"

    Speaker - Fuad Jafarov (Azerbaijan)

  • 13:30

    "Entering the Chinese market: step-by-step guidelines for Russian exporters"

    Speaker - Anastasia Rastorgueva (Russia+China)

  • 14:00

    "Covid-19 Overview in Vietnam and Prevention steps on the corporate (Vinpearl) level and state level"

    Speaker - Aleksandra Nguen (Vietnam)

  • 14:30

    "Sustainable collaborations for businesses to get back"

    Speaker - Harmeek Singh (UAE)

  • 15:00


  • 15:30

    "State support measures as an instrument for creating a competitive advantage of the national economy"

    Speaker - Ruslan Ilin (Russia+Germany+Italy)

  • 16:00

    «The new system of logistics and customs control»

    Speaker - Kamran Sanan Habibov (Azerbaijan)

  • 16:30

    Closure of the Conference.
    Final words of the organizers of the online-conference "EXPORT 2020 & Coronavirus"



Место проведения


Event Planner

Business Cooperation Center "BGgroupp"

Contact numbers

+7 (926) 560 02 10
+7 (904) 511 79 89

Email - registration
director@bggroupp - questions from participants - cooperation and partnership

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